The Regrettable Century

On The Flinching of Cowards and Sneering of Traitors: BONUS EPISODE!

Chris, Kevin, Jason, and Steven. Season 2 Episode 4

The British left was epically owned last month in one of the crappiest election results in several generations. While the reaction to this defeat has been largely one of despair and feelings of rudderlessness, we make the case that this is just one in a long line of defeats we will inevitably suffer. Unless we gird ourselves for defeat with a dialectical pessimism, there's no way we will last long enough to make a real difference.

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This Is Why We Hate You: December Editorial

No False Consolations

The Last Gasp of Labourism

Class War Corbynism

Corbyn’s Defeat and the Democratic Socialists of America

What the U.S. Left Can Learn From the Labour Party’s Epic Loss

What the U.K. Election Does (and Doesn’t) Teach Democrats

Oi Polloi- (Expletive Deleted) Everybody Who Voted Tory 

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