The Regrettable Century
The old forms of the left are moribund and the new forms are stupid. We're making a podcast that discusses the need to organize a dialectical pessimism and develop a salvage project capable of sparking a new workers' movement for socialism. A clean, honest, and unsentimental melancholy is required; we are cultivating one and would like to share it with you.
Podcasting since 2018 • 245 episodes
The Regrettable Century
Latest Episodes
Patreon Preview -- The Question of Nationalities & Social Democracy by Otto Bauer: Regrettable Book Club (Episode V)
Wherein we cover the entirety of Chapter 2, dealing with the concept of the nation state.A link to the PDF:
Season 6
UNLOCKED -- Socialism With a Human Face: The Prague Spring and Its Defeat (Czechoslovak Socialism Part II)
Continuing what has become a series on Czechoslovak Socialism, we dive into the attempt to reform the Czechoslovak system. The official ML narrative and the liberal narrative about the Prague Spring are the same, they say that it was an attempt...
Season 6
Episode 23
Patreon Preview -- From Dawn to Decadence (Part II): With Varn Vlog
We are back at it again talking decadence theory with Varn. This week, we dig into Samir Amin's piece from Monthly Review.We discussed the following materials:Morley, Neville. "Decadence as a Theory of History." New Literary...
Season 6