The Regrettable Century
The old forms of the Left are moribund and the new forms are stupid. We're making a podcast that discusses the need to organize a Dialectical Pessimism and develop a salvage project capable of sparking a new workers' movement for socialism. A clean, honest, and unsentimental melancholy is required; we are cultivating one and would like to share it with you.
“The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned. I’m a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.”
-- Antonio Gramsci
The Regrettable Century
Turns Out I Will Be Ruled: Anarcho-Individualism and Italian Fascism
This week we discussed one of the many currents of thought that led to the creation of Italian Fascism, Anarcho-Individualism. It seems counterintuitive that anarchism would have made any contribution to the creation of fascism, until you think about it.
Whitaker, Stephen B. The Anarchist-individualist Origins of Italian Fascism. Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers, 2002.
From Stirner to Mussolini: The Anarchist-Individualist Origins of Italian Fascism