The Regrettable Century
The old forms of the Left are moribund and the new forms are stupid. We're making a podcast that discusses the need to organize a Dialectical Pessimism and develop a salvage project capable of sparking a new workers' movement for socialism. A clean, honest, and unsentimental melancholy is required; we are cultivating one and would like to share it with you.
“The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned. I’m a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.”
-- Antonio Gramsci
The Regrettable Century
The Internet Was a Mistake: Surveillance Capitalism and the Public-Private Tech Panopticon
We are now living in the most watched society in history. Our every move is tracked, our conversations monitored, our purchases logged, every link we click is logged, but its okay because its not the government doing it right?
You Are Now Remotely Controlled -- Shoshana Zuboff
Willing servants -- Richard Seymour
Communicative Capitalism and Class Struggle -- Jodi Dean
When the social industry bans the people we hate -- Richard Seymour
Your Phone is Listening and it's Not Paranoia
Music- Bauhaus- The Spy in the Cab