The Regrettable Century
The old forms of the left are moribund and the new forms are stupid. We're making a podcast that discusses the need to organize a dialectical pessimism and develop a salvage project capable of sparking a new workers' movement for socialism. A clean, honest, and unsentimental melancholy is required; we are cultivating one and would like to share it with you.
Podcasting since 2018 • 251 episodes
The Regrettable Century
Latest Episodes
Patreon Preview -- The Question of Nationalities & Social Democracy by Otto Bauer: Regrettable Book Club (Episode V)
The long march through the text continues as the gang tackles chapter three.Read along here:
Season 6
The Socialism of Fools: Weimar National Bolshevism and Strasserism (Part II of II)
This is part two of a discussion based on a paper Chris wrote about the concept of "German Socialism" from which groups like the NSDAP, the National Bolsheviks, Conservative Revolutionaries, and Black Front draw the basis for their ideologies.&...
Season 6
Episode 24
Patreon Preview -- Boundless & Bottomless Seas: Dugin's 4th Political Theory (Part VIII)
The boys dive in to Dugin's thoughts on civilization, colonialism, and imperialism.Don't worry, there are literally no digressions and the guys stay on point the whole time.Check out the full episode here:
Season 6
The Socialism of Fools: Weimar National Bolshevism and Strasserism (Part I of II)
First of all, if you are listening to a version with bad audio, don't worry, I reuploaded a version with good audio and you can probably just refresh your podcasting app to get the newer version. This is a discussion based on...
Season 6
Episode 23
Patreon Preview -- The Tragedy of the Hungarian Soviet Republic
In what turns out to be an offshoot of our Czechoslovak socialism series, we dive in to the ill fated and short lived Hungarian Soviet Republic. This also turns out to be incredibly relevant to anyone who is following along with our series on O...
Season 6